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PhD Studentship– Air Power

London, United Kingdom 1 day ago

Job Description

King's College London - Freeman Air and Space Institute, School of Security Studies<br />Salary: Stipend: full UKRI stipend (£21,237 p.a. in 2024-25, including London Weighting of £2000 p.a.) Tuition fees: three years Home tuition fees

PhD Studentship– Air Power

London, United Kingdom 1 day ago
King's College London - Freeman Air and Space Institute, School of Security Studies<br />Salary: Stipend: full UKRI stipend (£21,237 p.a. in 2024-25, including London Weighting of £2000 p.a.) Tuition fees: three years Home tuition fees

PhD Studentship: Metamaterials-based microwave devices for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer

Plymouth, South West England 24 days ago
University of Plymouth - Mechanical Engineering<br />Salary: The studentship is supported for 3.5 years and includes Home tuition fees plus a stipend of £20,780 per annum 2025-26 rate.

PhD Studentship: Resource optimal link scheduling scheme for data delivery in marine applications using Space-Air-Ground-Sea Integrated Networks SAGSIN

Plymouth, South West England 24 days ago
University of Plymouth - Computing<br />Salary: The studentship is supported for 3.5 years and includes Home tuition fees plus a stipend of £20,780 per annum 2025-26 rate