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Research Assistant

Cardiff, Wales 9 hours ago

Job Description

Cardiff University - College of Biomedical and Life Sciences - School of Medicine - Division of Infection and Immunity<br />Salary: £33,482 to £36,130 per annum (Grade 5)

Research Assistant

Cardiff, Wales 9 hours ago
Cardiff University - College of Biomedical and Life Sciences - School of Medicine - Division of Infection and Immunity<br />Salary: £33,482 to £36,130 per annum (Grade 5)

Research Assistant (Part time, fixed term)

Nottingham, East Midlands 9 hours ago
University of Nottingham - Lifespan and Population Health<br />Salary: £31,637 to £32,546 per annum pro-rata depending on skills and experience. Salary progression beyond this scale is subject to performance.

Research Assistant Stroke Research Network

Glasgow, Scotland 1 day ago
University of Glasgow - College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences - School of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health<br />Salary: £33,482 to £35,116 per annum (pro-rata) (Grade 6)

Parliamentary Assistant

United Kingdom 2 days ago
The position will involve research and supporting my work as both a constituency MP and my front bench responsibilities. It would suit a hardworking and enthusiastic graduate with parliamentary experience and an interest in politics. Respo...

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University: MSN - Assistant Professor in Powder Metallurgy

United Kingdom 3 days ago
Competitive:Mohammed VI Polytechnic University: Develop independent research programs in powder metallurgy including extractive approaches (hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy) Benguerir, Morocco

Research Assistant/Associate (Policy Modelling for Health)

Glasgow, Scotland 4 days ago
University of Glasgow - College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences - School of Health & Wellbeing<br />Salary: Grade 6/7, £33,482- £37,174/£40,497- £45,413 per annum

Two ERC Funded Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) Positions DIACIDAL - Molecular Mechanisms Mediating Antagonistic Diatom-Bacteria Interactions

United Kingdom 4 days ago
Marine Biological Association of the UK - Algal Microbiome and Ecophysiology Group<br />Salary: £35,116 to £38,249 per annum depending on experience. G3 SP27/G3 SP27-SP30

Research Assistant

Oxford, South East England 5 days ago
University of Oxford - Experimental Medicine Division, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine (NDM)<br />Salary: £34,982 to £40,855 per annum. RESEARCH GRADE 6

Research Assistant

Oxford, South East England 5 days ago
University of Oxford - Experimental Medicine Division, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine (NDM)<br />Salary: £34,982 to £40,855 per annum. RESEARCH GRADE 6

University of Chicago: Research Assistant Professors - Brain Machine Interfaces and Biomimetic Prostheses

United Kingdom 5 days ago
$90,000 - $105,000:University of Chicago: Salary Range: $90,000 - $105,000   The University of Chicago's Department of Neurological Surgery invites applications for Research Assistant Profe... Chicago, Illinois