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Radiologist Job in Palakkad Kerala India

Kerala 1+ months ago

Job Description

RADIOLOGIST JOB IN PALAKKAD KERALA INDIArnrnDesignation CONSULTANT RADIOLOGISTrnrnQualification MD or DMRD or DNB RadiologyrnrnRequired Experience Minimum Experience preferablyrnrnGender Male or Female doctorsrnrnLanguage Required Malayalam speaking doctors preferredrnrnDuty Time 12 hours duty Nig ....

Radiologist Job in Palakkad Kerala India

Kerala 1+ months ago
RADIOLOGIST JOB IN PALAKKAD KERALA INDIArnrnDesignation CONSULTANT RADIOLOGISTrnrnQualification MD or DMRD or DNB RadiologyrnrnRequired Experience Minimum Experience preferablyrnrnGender Male or Female doctorsrnrnLanguage Required Malayalam speaking...