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2024-07-31 Council Meeting Minutes

Australia 1+ months ago

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1. Meeting overview and key information Joel Addison (President) Sae Ra Germaine (Vice-President) Neill Cox (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Andrew Pam (Council) Jennifer Cox (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Meeting opened at 19:35 AEST (UT+1000) by Joel  and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Neill. 2. Log of correspondence RSEAA24 accessibility fellowship – grant application decision – Jonathan has informed Morgan that the grant application was successful Enquiry from Felicity Brand via the Linux Australia Website Contact Form – Felicity was asked to submit a grant proposal for sponsorship of Write The Docs Australia Grant Application from Jennifer Sims for Sports Connection Australia – Gender Diverse Sporting Streaming – more details on the proposal requested by Kathy Reid and Jonathan Woithe, Jenneifer Sims has responded to Kathy’s email  LA ANZ bank statement line: Baker Inv 504454 – Russell asking Andrew Ruthven about a transaction WordCamp Sponsor Agreement for Australia – Wil confirms no action required from LA Lodge Linux Australia Activity Statement April..June 2024​ – Russell asks the accountant to lodge LA’s BAS DrupalSouth Community Day Budget – discussion around the budget Grant Application from Felicity Brand for Write the Docs Australia 2024 Conference – grant application submitted for Write the Doc Australia Important: Domain Renewal Notice – renewal reminder for auDA call for comment on proposed changes to policies – Kathy brings some proposed changes at auDA to the council’s attention LA website – Sponsorship page updated – Kathy has updated the sponsorship page. 3. Items for discussion Write the Docs Australia Grant request has been received. Decision due at next Council meeting. The proposal is thorough and well formed. Subcommittee Meeting Email Draft Subcommittee Meetings format Updates have been suggested. Neill will publish the policy by COB 1 Aug unless more comments are raised. DrupalSouth Community Day Budget Russell will send a follow up message to DrupalSouth. Basically we have some questions around sponsorship but otherwise the budget looks good. Grants Grants 2024 – running track of submitted grant requests to allow council to track remaining funds. Grant Request – Merri-bek Tech Raspberri Pi / Wikipedia hosting course Requesting funds for hardware to run community courses. Amount of request is $1,000. Hardware will be re-used for future courses. Course material will be released under a Creative Commons licence. The total cost of the course is ~$5,000 but they have funding for those other costs. Motion: Linux Australia approves the grant application for $1000 towards hardware purchases for Merri-bek Tech Inc for courses being run. Result: Passed with one abstention Grant Request – Sports Connection Australia – Gender Diverse Sporting Streaming Looking to purchase hardware for streaming results of roller derby (initially). The system will use OBS as the streaming software. The grant proposal does not obviously link to the aims of Linux Australia. Motion: Linux Australia approves the grant application of $2,000 to purchase a camera for Sports Connection Australia to stream events. auDA call for comment on proposed changes to policies Neill will respond to Kathy to thank her for bringing this to council’s attention. We have until 19/8/2024 to submit a response to this proposal. The domain has been renewed using Linux Australia We should improve the grant proposal form or page to emphasise that applications which can show a clear link to open source/technology/communites are more likely to be successful. Perhaps we could provide an example of a good proposal. Three items were discussed in camera. Spreadsheet detailing grant applications – Neill Respond to Kathy re auDA – Neill Improve the grants proposal page – Sae Ra Provide an example grants proposal – Sae Ra Respond to DrupalSouth re the community day budget – Russell Meeting closed at 20:38 AEST (UT+1000) Next meeting is scheduled for 2024-08-14 and will be a subcommittee meeting The post 2024-07-31 Council Meeting Minutes appeared first on Linux Australia.

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Minutes of Linux Australia – Annual General Meeting 2024 Saturday 20th  January 2024, 14:30pm (AEDT) Video conference via Zoom. Attendance record is available upon request Meeting started at 14:35pm AEDT.     1. President’s welcome MR JOEL ADDISON,...

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1. Meeting overview and key information Joel Addison (President) Sae Ra Germaine (Vice-President) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Neill Cox (Secretary) Jennifer Cox (Council) Andrew Pam (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council)       Meeting opened at 20:11...

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1. Meeting overview and key information Joel Addison (President) Sae Ra Germaine (Vice-President) Neill Cox (Secretary) Andrew Pam (Council) Jennifer Cox (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Meeting opened at 19:35 AEST by...

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Australia 1+ months ago
1. Meeting overview and key information Joel Addison (President) Sae Ra Germaine (Vice-President) Neill Cox (Secretary) Jennifer Cox (Council) Andrew Pam (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Meeting opened at 20:03 AEDT by...

2024-07-31 Council Meeting Minutes

Australia 1+ months ago
1. Meeting overview and key information Joel Addison (President) Sae Ra Germaine (Vice-President) Neill Cox (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Andrew Pam (Council) Jennifer Cox (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Meeting opened at 19:35 AEST...

2024-08-28 Council Meeting Minutes

Australia 1+ months ago
1. Meeting overview and key information Joel Addison (President) Sae Ra Germaine (Vice-President) Neill Cox (Secretary) Andrew Pam (Council) Jennifer Cox (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Meeting opened at 19:38 AEDT by...

2024-08-14 Council Meeting Minutes

Australia 1+ months ago
1. Meeting overview and key information Joel Addison (President) Sae Ra Germaine (Vice-President) Neill Cox (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Andrew Pam (Council) Jennifer Cox (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Meeting opened at 19:34 AEST by...

2024-08-14 Council Meeting Minutes

Australia 1+ months ago
1. Meeting overview and key information Joel Addison (President) Sae Ra Germaine (Vice-President) Neill Cox (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Andrew Pam (Council) Jennifer Cox (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Meeting opened at 19:34 AEST by...

2024-11-06 Council Meeting Minutes

Sydney, New South Wales 1+ months ago
1. Meeting overview and key information Joel Addison (President) Sae Ra Germaine (Vice-President) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Neill Cox (Secretary) Andrew Pam (Council) Jennifer Cox (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Meeting opened at 19:34 AEST by...