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Job Search for 2024-149719 - Ingénieur-e d'études d'ensembles d'habillage et de garnissage F/H in Manchester, United Kingdom and similar jobs

Operational Risk Support Officer (H/F/D)

United Kingdom 10 hours ago
Caceis. , München Détail de l'offreInformations généralesEntitéCACEIS est la filiale d'asset servicing des groupes Crédit Agricole et Santander, dédiée aux sociétés de gestion, compagnies d'assurance, fonds de pension, banques, fonds de private......

2025-151720 - Gestionnaire Administration des Ventes F/H

United Kingdom 1 day ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : Saisies des infos commandes et suivi dans SAP.Ouverture commandesParticipe au QRQC quotidienPilote son activité en s'appuyant sur son tableau de bord métier Traite sa réserve de travail Saisie les...

2024-146536 - Opérateur en Traitement Thermique F/H

United Kingdom 1 day ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : au sein de l'atelier de traitement thermique de la ligne de production des procédés spéciaux, vos missions seront: -Assurer la réalisation des opérations de traitement thermique des pièces en...

2024-148036 - Adjoint-e BE compresseur coordination DT/DI F/H

United Kingdom 1 day ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : Rattaché(e) au responsable du département compresseurs du bureau d'étude de la direction technique, la mission principale de l'Adjoint BE coordination DT/DI est d'assurer le bon interfaçage et la...

2025-152546 - Responsable Assurance Qualité Fournisseurs Matière F/H

United Kingdom 1 day ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : Au sein du service Qualité du Centre de Compétences Industriel Ensembles Tournants de Safran Helicopter Engines, vous êtes chargé(e) de la surveillance d'un panel de fournisseurs qui assure la...

2024-149438 - Pilote Conception Produit (Design Lead) F/H

United Kingdom 1 day ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : Parlons de votre future environnement,Safran SEATS est un des leaders mondiaux des sièges d'avions pour équipages et passagers. Nos clients : les plus grandes compagnies aériennes (Air France, ANA,...

2024-149232 - Ingénieur-e Produits actionnement électromécanique F/H

United Kingdom 1 day ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : Rejoignez la Direction Technique de Safran Electronics&Defense et plus précisément le Centre d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Avioniques et Actionnement ! Ce département développe les systèmes...

2025-152540 - EXPERT LIGNE« OVERHAUL » F/H

United Kingdom 1 day ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : Situé à proximité de la station balnéaire de Dinard, Safran Landing Systems Services est un site de maintenance et réparation aéronautique à taille humaine. Nous traitons une multitude de pièces et...

2025-151762 - Stage- Contrôleuse-eur de gestion budgétaire central F/H

United Kingdom 1 day ago
Employment type :Internship / Student Position description : Au sein de l'équipe Normes de Gestion et suivi des Frais Généraux&effectifs, du contrôle de gestion central société, vous assisterez le responsable du pôle budgétaire pour: - Le...

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Children, Youth and Family Worker

Southampton, South East England 53 mins ago
This is an exciting opportunity for a FULL TIME Children, Youth and Family Worker at Shirley Baptist Church in Southampton. We have a growing number of children, youth and families and are looking to appoint someone to lead and develop a thriving...

Procurement Lead

United Kingdom 54 mins ago
This is an exciting new role, working across the organisation to develop and then implement a diocesan procurement strategy, with the overall objective of helping to reducing the cost base for the Diocese. As such, the role will be responsible for...

Bishop Adviser for the Pastoral Care of Clergy

United Kingdom 57 mins ago
As a Diocese we are committed to the flourishing and well-being of all of our clergy, we realise that there will be times when individuals will seek pastoral or counselling support in a safe, non-judgemental and confidential space.  The Acting Bishop...

Junior Caseworker

United Kingdom 1 hour ago
Rt Hon James Cleverly MP is seeking a Junior Caseworker to join his team and support him in addressing constituents’ concerns on a wide variety of issues, such as SEND, healthcare, immigration, housing and benefits. You will be part of a sma...

Political Assistant

Salford, North West England 1 hour ago
This is a new and exciting opportunity for someone with a keen interest in politics to support the Leader of the Labour Group and the elected members of the Labour Group in Salford. As a Political Assistant your role will involve providing the Lea...

Idaho State University: Department Chair&Associate or Full Professor, Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (3616)

United Kingdom 2 hours ago
See job description.:Idaho State University: Department Chair&Associate or Full Professor, Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (3616) Pocatello - Main Priority date: March 24, 2025 InstPocatello

Montana State University College of Agriculture: Regional Director of Western SARE

United Kingdom 2 hours ago
$90,000 to $150,000:Montana State University College of Agriculture: The Regional Director of WSARE oversees leadership, communication, and organizational processes of the Western SARE Program. Bozeman, Montana Post-Doctoral Fellow in Chemistry

United Kingdom 2 hours ago The Department of Chemistry at Smith College invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral teaching fellowship to begin July 1, 2025. Under the ... Northampton, Massachusetts (US)

University of Chicago, Department of Medicine/Cardiology: Postdoctoral Positions in the Department of Medicine/Cardiology (University of Chicago)

United Kingdom 2 hours ago
Comprehensive benefits package:University of Chicago, Department of Medicine/Cardiology: T32-funded postdoctoral research associate positions are available immediately in the lab of Dr. Rishi Arora, Chief of the Section of Cardiology... Chicago,...

Project Violet Outcome Coordinator

United Kingdom 2 hours ago
Over three years, Project Violet examined the experiences of women in Baptist ministry. It consequently made 57 requests for change affecting all parts of Baptists Together. As we seek to implement the wide-ranging recommendations, we are looking to...