Job Search for 2025-152632 - Alternant(e) technicien-ne maquettes F/H in Malmesbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom and similar jobs
2024-142788 - Ingénieur-e Assurance Qualité développement Logiciel et Electronique F/H
United Kingdom 17 hours ago
Employment type :Permanent
Position description :
Ingénieur-e Assurance Qualité Logiciel&Électronique
MTL-2025-DO-COIMC-165164-149988 - Technicien-ne Méthodes Industrialisation F/H F/H
United Kingdom 17 hours ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : Au sein du pôle Méthodes/Process de l'Unité de production Moteurs et Capteurs, vous aurez pour missions : - Piloter le processus assurant la fabricabilité d'un produit - Piloter la réalisation, la...
2023-132837 - Responsable technique/ Responsable de Lot Logiciel F/H
United Kingdom 17 hours ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : Au sein de la Direction Technique, vous serez intégré-e dans la Direction Ingénierie Logiciel d'environ 400 salarié-e-s. En Equipes pluridisciplinaires réparties sur plusieurs sites, nous imaginerons...
2025-152592 - Agent logistique - Spécificité transitiques F/H
United Kingdom 17 hours ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : Au sein du Pôle Supply Chain et rattaché au service logistique, vous aurez pour mission principale la livraison des composants au sein des ateliers de production. Votre mission sera complété par : -...
2025-152592 - Agent logistique - Spécificité transitiques F/H
United Kingdom 17 hours ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : Au sein du Pôle Supply Chain et rattaché au service logistique, vous aurez pour mission principale la livraison des composants au sein des ateliers de production. Votre mission sera complété par : -...
2025-152492 - Développeur-euse Sales Force F/H
United Kingdom 17 hours ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : Vousêtes responsable du développement technique et de la mise en œuvre de Salesforce. A ce titre, vous êtes au cœur de la conception et du déploiement de solutions fonctionnelles sur la plateforme...
2025-152492 - Développeur-euse Sales Force F/H
United Kingdom 17 hours ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : Vousêtes responsable du développement technique et de la mise en œuvre de Salesforce. A ce titre, vous êtes au cœur de la conception et du déploiement de solutions fonctionnelles sur la plateforme...
2025-151090 - Ingénieur-e Bureau d'Etudes Mécaniques et Intégration système électrique F/H
United Kingdom 18 hours ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : Parlons de votre future missionSafran SEATS est un des leaders mondiaux des sièges d'avion pour équipages et passagers. Nos clients : les plus grandes compagnies aériennes Notre produit : Vous l'avez...
2025-152363 - Responsable des operations Applicatifs F/H
United Kingdom 18 hours ago
Employment type :Permanent Position description : Safran Aerosystems (SAO) conçoit des solutions de haute technologie qui optimisent la performance des aéronefs et la sécurité des vols. Numéro 1 mondial des systèmes d'évacuation d'urgence et des...
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Communications Officer
United Kingdom 4 mins ago
Person specification:
• Excellent written and verbal communication
• Strong attention to detail
• Self-motivated with the ability to work independently, while also working effectively as part of a ...
Communication Officer
United Kingdom 4 mins ago
The Home Office works to build a safe, fair and prosperous UK. We achieve this through our work on counter-terrorism, policing, fire, crime, drugs policy, immigration and passports.
Our work as Home Office communicators is never far from t...
Communications Officer
United Kingdom 14 mins ago
Connor Naismith MP is looking for a highly committed individual for the role of Communications Officer in his busy office based in Crewe.
We would love to hear from candidates who have a passion for politics and current affairs, a creative...
Oliver James: Actuaire Vie - Modélisation Épargne - IFRS 17&Solvabilité 2
United Kingdom 22 mins ago
Negotiable:Oliver James:
Actuaire Vie - Modélisation Épargne - IFRS 17&Solvabilité 2 Rejoignez un leader du secteur de l'assurance en tant qu'Actuaire Vie - IFRS 17 !Nous re
France, Paris, Île-de-France
Orange Malone: Senior Manager, Investment Strategy
London, United Kingdom 25 mins ago
Generous salary, bonus and benefits:Orange Malone:
Orange Malone is working with a fast growing insurance company that is developing it's investment capabilities by creating a new asset strategy team.
Senior Policy Analyst - Air Quality
United Kingdom 25 mins ago
We are seeking to employ an experienced policy analyst to play a central role in our UK team. We are looking for a candidate with excellent analytical skills, initiative and who will thrive working in a small and dynamic team. The successful candi...
Policy Advisor and Data Analyst
United Kingdom 33 mins ago
Working For: District Councils' Network
We are looking for a Policy Adviser& Data Analyst to support the District Councils’ Network. The District Councils’ Network (DCN) represents the diverse interests of our 169 member c...
Constituency and Parliamentary Assistant
United Kingdom 37 mins ago
James Wild MP is looking to recruit a Constituency and Parliamentary Assistant for his team based in King’s Lynn to support his constituency work and My Plan campaigns as well as undertaking policy and parliamentary research, and casework.
Constituency and Parliamentary Assistant
United Kingdom 37 mins ago
James Wild MP is looking to recruit a Constituency and Parliamentary Assistant for his team based in King’s Lynn to support his constituency work and My Plan campaigns as well as undertaking policy and parliamentary research, and casework.
Policy Director/Deputy Policy Director
United Kingdom 40 mins ago
The successful candidate will be responsible for designing and delivering nation changing policy for
those most struggling. They will forge a policy plan based on the CSJ theory of change– namely, that
tackling poverty must involv...