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Job Search for PhD Studentship: Generative AI for image and video reconstructions from brain signals in Exeter, United Kingdom and similar jobs

Operations Assistant

Exeter, South West England 4 days ago
University of Exeter - Education and Academic Services, Sports Operations <br />Salary: The starting salary will be from £23,915 on Grade B, depending on qualifications and experience. This role may also be eligible for a shift allowance...

Senior Lecturer (Research Director - DForenPsy) (E&S)

Exeter, South West England 4 days ago
University of Exeter - Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Psychology <br />Salary: Starting salary will be from £51,039 to £64,918 per annum pro rata on Grade G, depending on qualifications and experience. The post may attract a market...

Graduate Research Assistant (with option to undertake a PhD)

Exeter, South West England 5 days ago
University of Exeter - Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy <br />Salary: The starting salary will be from £33,482 on Grade E, depending on qualifications and experience. (UK home level PhD fees for the duration of the project are also...

PhD Studentship: Time Varying Metasurfaces: Exploring Spectral Control and Overcoming Bandwidth Constraints

Exeter, South West England 9 days ago
University of Exeter - Department of Physics and Astronomy<br />Salary: £20,780. Stipend at UKRI rate (£20,780 from 1/10/25), plus an additional £2000 top-up per year.

Postdoctoral Research Associate/Fellow

Exeter, South West England 13 days ago
University of Exeter - Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy<br />Salary: The starting salary for Associate will be from £34,132, for Fellow will be from £42,882 on Grade F, depending on qualifications and experience.

Senior Lecturer (Senior Academic Tutor&Covenor) (E&S) in Clinical Psychology

Exeter, South West England 16 days ago
University of Exeter - Faculty of Health and Life Sciences<br />Salary: The starting salary will be from £50,694 per annum pro rata on Grade G, depending on qualifications and experience. The post may attract a market supplement, in line with...

Associate Lecturer/Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences (E&S)

Exeter, South West England 16 days ago
University of Exeter - Faculty of Health and Life Sciences<br />Salary: The starting salary will be from £33,232 to £39,105 on Grade E for the Associate Lecturer role and from £42,632 to £52,183 on Grade F for the Lecturer role, depending on...

PhD Studentship: Solving stormwater overflows through spatial catchment optimisation

Exeter, South West England 18 days ago
University of Exeter - Department of Engineering<br />Salary: Home or International tuition fees plus an annual tax-free stipend of at least £19,237 for 3.5 years full-time, or pro rata for part-time study.

PhD Studentship: Solving stormwater overflows through spatial catchment optimisation

Exeter, South West England 18 days ago
University of Exeter - Department of Engineering<br />Salary: Home or International tuition fees plus an annual tax-free stipend of at least £19,237 for 3.5 years full-time, or pro rata for part-time study.

Senior Data Lead for the UK Human Functional Genomics Initiative

Exeter, South West England 18 days ago
University of Exeter - UK Functional Genomics Initiative (FGx) Data Coordination Centre (DCC)<br />Salary: The starting salary will be from £49,250 to Grade G, per annum pro rata depending on qualifications and experience.