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PhD Studentship: Blockchain-Empowered Federated Learning

Southampton, South East England 1+ months ago

Job Description

University of Southampton - Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences<br />Salary: We offer a range of funding opportunities for both UK and international students, including Bursaries and Scholarships

PhD Studentship: Multi-Objective Generative Model× Reinforcement Learning based autopilot for cleaner maritime navigation

Plymouth, South West England 24 days ago
University of Plymouth - Robotics <br />Salary: The studentship is supported for 3.5 years and includes Home tuition fees plus a stipend of £20,780 per annum 2025-26 rate

PhD Studentship: Machine Learning of Energy Barriers for Reaction Network Discovery of Drug-like Molecules

United Kingdom 27 days ago
University of Warwick - Centre for Doctoral Training in the Modelling of Heterogeneous Materials (HetSys), Department of Engineering<br />Salary: Awards for both UK residents and international applicants pay a stipend to cover maintenance as...

PhD Studentship: Advanced Wall Modelling for Magnetohydrodynamics Simulations Using Physics-Informed Machine Learning

United Kingdom 1 month ago
Loughborough University - Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering<br />Salary: £19,237. The 3.5 year studentship provides a tax-free stipend of £19237 p.a. plus tuition fees at the UK rate

PhD Studentship: Machine Learning-Driven Molecular Simulations of Gas Transport in Polymeric Materials

United Kingdom 1+ months ago
University of Warwick - Centre for Doctoral Training in the Modelling of Heterogeneous Materials (HetSys) - Department of Engineering<br />Salary: Standard UKRI rate

PhD Studentship: Blockchain-Empowered Federated Learning

Southampton, South East England 1+ months ago
University of Southampton - Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences<br />Salary: We offer a range of funding opportunities for both UK and international students, including Bursaries and Scholarships

PhD Studentship: Blockchain-Empowered Federated Learning

Southampton, South East England 1+ months ago
University of Southampton - Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences<br />Salary: We offer a range of funding opportunities for both UK and international students, including Bursaries and Scholarships