Find up to date salary information for jobs in United Kingdom, and compare with national average, city average, and other job positions.

Research Associate: Heritage Collections - Grade 7

Liverpool, North West England 1 month ago

Job Description

University of Liverpool - Directorate of Education - Libraries, Museums and Galleries - Library<br />Salary: £39,105 per annum (pay award pending March 2025)

Research Associate in Neurophysiology of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

United Kingdom 18 hours ago
Loughborough University - School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences<br />Salary: From £35,116. Specialist and Supporting Academic Research grade 6. Subject to annual pay award.

Postdoctoral Researcher - Myeloid Leukaemia

Oxford, South East England 3 days ago
University of Oxford - Oxford Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research<br />Salary: £38,674 to £46,913 per annum : Research Grade 7, with a discretionary range to £52,539 p.a. This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500...

Research Assistant / Associate

Glasgow, Scotland 3 days ago
University of Glasgow - College of Science & Engineering - School of Computing Science<br />Salary: Grade 6/7, £33,482 - £37,174/£40,497 - £45,413 per annum

Research Impact Officer

Glasgow, Scotland 3 days ago
University of Glasgow - College of Medical Veterinary & Life Sciences - College Services<br />Salary: £40,497 to £45,413 per annum (Grade 7)

Research Fellow

Birmingham, West Midlands 6 days ago
University of Birmingham - School of Biosciences<br />Salary: As this vacancy has limited funding the maximum salary that can be offered is Grade 7, salary £45,413

Research Associate

Birmingham, West Midlands 6 days ago
University of Birmingham - School of Biosciences<br />Salary: As this vacancy has limited funding the maximum salary that can be offered is Grade 6, salary £34,132

Research Fellow in Urban Climate and Environmental Modelling

London, United Kingdom 6 days ago
UCL - The Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources (BSEER) <br />Salary: £43,374 to £62,035. Grade 7 - 8 (including London Allowance)

Research Associate or Research Fellow

London, United Kingdom 6 days ago
King's College London - Palliative Care, Policy & Rehabilitation<br />Salary: £44,355 to £57,566. Grade 6/7, per annum, including London Weighting Allowance

Research Associate or Research Fellow

London, United Kingdom 6 days ago
King's College London - Palliative Care, Policy & Rehabilitation<br />Salary: £44,355 to £57,566. Grade 6/7, per annum, including London Weighting Allowance

Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Chemistry

United Kingdom 7 days ago
Keele University - Faculty of Natural Sciences - School of Chemical and Physical Sciences<br />Salary: £38,249 to £46,735. Grade 7 (Incremental progression)