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Banquet Manager Salary in India

Average Salary: INR ₹394K


20% Low Band Avg

INR ₹394K



80% High Band Avg

  • Bonus: 26K

Salaries based on experience level

INR ₹193K - 358K
Entry Level Experience
INR ₹339K - 580K
Mid Level Experience
INR ₹334K - 621K
Senior Level Experience

The Average Entry Level salary of Banquet Manager in India is INR ₹275K/yr, this salary increases 33% to ₹367K/yr when reach Mid Level Career.

From Mid to Senior Level the average salary increases 29% from ₹367K/yr to ₹478K/yr.

Salary Compared to India National Average Salary

INR ₹348K - 692K/yr
₹394K/yr +208%
INR ₹64K - 204K/yr
  • Banquet Manager in India Salary
  • vs
  • India National Average Salary

The Average Salary of Banquet Manager in India is ₹394K/yr. This is +208% higher (₹266,727) compared to India national average salary of ₹128K/yr.