Agronomist Salary in India
20% Low Band Avg
INR ₹632K
80% High Band Avg
- Bonus: 34K
Salaries based on experience level
INR ₹240K - 638K
Entry Level Experience
INR ₹573K - 752K
Mid Level Experience
INR ₹626K - 1,164K
Senior Level Experience
The Average Entry Level salary of Agronomist in India is INR ₹442K/yr, this salary increases 55% to ₹688K/yr when reach Mid Level Career.
From Mid to Senior Level the average salary increases 29% from ₹688K/yr to ₹895K/yr.
Salary Compared to India National Average Salary
INR ₹324K - 812K/yr
INR ₹64K - 204K/yr
- Agronomist in India Salary
- vs
- India National Average Salary
The Average Salary of Agronomist in India is ₹632K/yr. This is +394% higher (₹504,880) compared to India national average salary of ₹128K/yr.